3 Reasons why you should never buy Facebook Likes.

Is Buying Facebook likes really worth it?

So many of us have this question about the quality of Facebook likes that are bought. A lot of websites sell Facebook likes. Even I was tempted so many times to buy these likes.

But then I asked a question to myself, what is my objective? What do I expect from my Facebook page? Do I just want to look “Big” or “Popular” or Do I want genuine followers who are interested to buy my products or services and engage with my content.

Often times, a Facebook page with so called “Fake Likes” have low engagement. If you are using a bot to post comments on your Facebook page, sometimes it may post irrelevant comments on the posts. For example if you have uploaded a post for offering condolences to the families of those soldiers who lost their life in a recent Pulwama attack and the bot comments “ Great Job” on the post, it may lead to a PR disaster. People visiting your Facebook page will sense something fishy and your objective of creating awareness of your brand will go for a toss. Obviously, irrelevant and spammy comments are never your objective.

I am listing down reasons why you should not buy likes or fan Followership on Facebook.

3 Reasons you never Buy Likes or Fan Followership on Facebook

  • Purchased Fans will never become your customers
  • Alienates your real customers
  • Low engagement = Low returns


Purchased Fans will never become your customers

Buying likes on Facebook is a waste of money. Very often these people neither buy your product or services and neither do they engage with your content.

Most of the times they are not even real people. They are just fake accounts.

If you check their profile, you will see that they haven’t uploaded their real pictures or they don’t share anything about themselves. They won’t browse and share your posts like most humans do.

Facebook marketing or even brand awareness for that matter is done with an intention that your audience will purchase your product some time in future. However if you are engaging with people who are not interested in your product, they are never going to end up buying it.

You cannot expect anything much from these fake likes. It’s a total waste of time and money.

Alienates your real customers

On Going changes to Facebook algorithm and makes your efforts useless. As per research conducted by Social@Ogilvy, organic reach on Facebook has plummeted from 16% in 2012 to 6.5% today.

Also pages with more than 5,00,000 likes can reach only 2% of their fans organically. This means that the more irrelevant likes or followers you have, chances that your content will be shown to real users in very less.

Advertising in Facebook has become more competitive with lot of advertisers bidding for ad space in the news feed.

Low engagement = Low Edge Rank

If users are not engaging with your content, Facebook’s algorithm will assume that your content is not engaging enough and will not show it to more people. If your Facebook fans are not engaging with your content, you will have a low Edge Rank. Edge Rank is a Facebook algorithm that decides which posts should go into the news feed first. If your engagement is low compared to the number of likes you have on the page, your edge rank will be low. This means that very few people will see your content in their News Feed, not even your real customers.

There are various alternatives to increase your Facebook follower ship. You can post great content that your users can engage with. You can boost your posts or run campaigns by choosing your objective such as below:


  • Brand Awareness
  • Local Awareness
  • Reach


  • Traffic
  • Engagement – sub categories: Post Engagement, Event Registrations
  • Lead generation
  • Video views


  • Conversions
  • Product Catalogue sales
  • Store Visits