What are the general guidelines that will help google find your page?

What are the general guidelines that will help google find your page?

What are the general guidelines that will help google find your page?

There are several guidelines you should follow for making it easy for google to find you. Only then you will be ranked in the top positions. Please follow the below checklist and check if you are missing on any of these guidelines.

Guideline #1 Anchor Links:

Anchor Links are very important. Make sure that your page can be reached or navigated from other findable link on google. The referring link should include a “text” that is relevant to the target page. Or if it is an image there should be an image attribute describing what the image is about. Google cannot crawl all the links. Ensure that your link uses an <a> tag with an “href” attribute.

Guideline #2 Are sitemaps important in terms of SEO ranking:

It is very important that you upload your sitemap in your google search console. If you are using WordPress you can use Yoast SEO plugin to automatically create an XML sitemap. Click on the SEO tab in the side bar of your WordPress dashboard, select features tab and enable XML sitemaps.

Yoast plugin creates sitemaps for all the various sections on your website. All the individual sitemeps are combined into a sitemap index by Yoast. All you have to do is to submit this sitemap url link Yoast keeps updating this link, as you add, remove or update any content on your website.

Guideline #3 Limit the number of links on any pages.

Do not add too many links on any of your pages. Limit the number of links to a few thousands.

Guideline #4 If modified since Http header:

If modified since header tells Googlebot one of the two things:

  • It responds with a 304 status code only with headers, telling google that the page has not changed since its last visit Or
  • It responds with a 200 status code sending the entire document to google telling that content has been updated since its last visit, so it needs to be downloaded and crawled once again.

For those people who have huge website crawling process will consume a lot of bandwidth and an extra cost. So If modified since http header can save them some resources.

Guideline #5 Use robots.txt

In SEO, the robot.txt file tells the robots which pages it should crawl and which pages it should not crawl. Robots.txt file is also known as Robots Exclusion Protocol or Standard.

If you want google bots to spend its crawling budget effectively on your website you should remove pages that have duplicate content or error pages, hacked pages, pages having infinite spaces or proxies, low quality spam content.

If you help google spend their budget wisely, your most valuable pages can be easily discovered, which means your site visibility will also increase.

Guideline #6 Avoid embedding text inside image

Try to use text instead of images to display information that is important to your users. Especially text like heading, menu items should be written in a text format.  In case you want to use image, use an alt tag that can tell google what the image is about. Page translation does not work on images. Hence use of text embedded on images should be avoided as far as possible.

Guideline #7 Mobile friendly

Make sure your website is responsive and mobile friendly. Use mobile friendly testing tool to test whether all your pages appear properly on all mobile devices. 

Aditi is an expert in digital marketing. She handles SEO activities for her other business- Yog Gokul Yoga. She also actively manages the social media handles. Aditi is also a certified Yoga teacher. Prior to this she has worked with various financial companies as a credit analyst.

4 Biggest Social Media Mistakes that you are making

4 Biggest Social Media Mistakes that you are making

Biggest Social Media Mistakes that you are making

Posting content too often:

Everyone will keep telling you the more content you post the more followers you are likely to get. Try not to post more than one post per day.

Avoid Posting Mediocre Content:

If your content is not engaging or something that you would not share with your friends, it is likely that you won’t have enough engagement on social media.

So make sure you create quality content. If you are not sure how to create quality content go to Buzz Sumo and type in your keywords and you will get to see what is the content that is popular for your industry.

Leverage Video Content

The third mistake you might be doing is not leveraging videos. Videos is the future of content. Make sure you create interesting videos and share on social media. You can get upto 2-3 times more engagement on your video content than you just upload photo or a text update.

Not Engaging

The last mistake you should avoid is not engaging. Create content and reply to every comment that appears in there. Social media is about two way communication. So even if someone writes thanks for the content, you can respond by saying thank you for reading.

You will find over time you will get more shares, views and likes than if you didn’t engage with your content.

Reasons why you should hire a digital marketing agency and How to find the Digital Marketing Agency that is right for you?

Reasons why you should hire a digital marketing agency and How to find the Digital Marketing Agency that is right for you?

Reasons why you should hire a digital marketing agency and How to find the Digital Marketing Agency that is right for you? 

Reasons why you should hire a digital marketing agency 

You have a website. You want to get more traffic. But if you don’t have time to do your own SEO and Digital Marketing, then you can consider hiring a good digital Marketing agency. But before that let me warn you. If you hire any random digital marketing agency out there you will get burnt and loose money.

I will teach you today, how to find a digital marketing agency which will give you high return on investment.

How to find the Digital Marketing Agency that is right for you?

Traffic to their own website

If someone does not have traffic to their own website, how can they get you traffic to your website. There are agencies who claim they can to conversion optimisation or paid advertising or they are good at SEO.

You have to keep in mind to check their website. If they have not shown results from their own website it is likely that they cannot show you result for your website.

So always ensure that the agency you hire has a good content on their own website.

Case Studies and Testimonials:

Look out for case studies and testimonials. If you see any big names then you can be assured that the agency you are hiring is doing well, else why would big companies pay them unless they are getting sufficient return on investment.

Look for a digital marketing agency who is tactical:

No matter how smart and knowledgeable the agency is. Unless they know how to implement the changes to your website, they will not be able to get you any traction.

Check who is working on your account:

Ensure that your account manager is also well versed with the digital Marketing concepts. The good agencies are always picky when it comes to choosing their employees. However you can always ask them in advance who is going to work on your account so that you know that your website is in the right hands.


You should ask the agency to send timely reports, emails and have weekly calls to know what is happening to your account. Last thing you want to do is to spend money and not be communicated on the status of your  website promotion.


Ask for references. You don’t have to call the references. But if someone who doesn’t have references to vouch for the good service they have been providing, it means they never have given the return on investment to anyone out there.

People who have worked on similar businesses:

It doesn’t have to be people who have worked with direct competitors. What you need to check is if they have worked with similar sized companies. You don’t want companies who have worked with Facebook, google or LinkedIn. Check for people who have worked with small and medium enterprises. If you are running a local business, check for people who have worked with local business.

Follow the above mentioned strategies to hire a right digital marketing agency for you. If you had any bad experience in hiring a digital marketing agency or got ripped off by doing it, leave a comment below. I am just curious to know how can I help my visitors more and if I need to write any more content to warn against non standard practices that could affect any small businesses.

What are featured snippets? What makes them so unique?

What are featured snippets? What makes them so unique?

What are featured snippets? What makes them so unique?

Featured snippets give quick information to the user that is concise and direct answer to their question, without having to click anywhere on the results page. Featured Snippets appear in the organic search results below the ad box. There are three types of featured Snippets.

  1. Paragraph
  2. List
  3. Table

Interesting facts about featured snippets.

  • Majority of the times featured snippets are triggered by long tail keywords
  • Start with a question type search query (How, why, what?)
  • You can use a keyword research tool that immediately shows whether a query triggers a featured result.

Types of Questions:

Basic Questions (What is):

These kind of questions relate to defining a concept. They don’t contain lengthy explanation. People are searching about a quick meaning or explanation.

How to Question?

These include step by step instruction of how a particular task is done.

Adding videos to explain how a task is done can help you to increase CTR.

Branded Questions:

These questions are specific to a brand. It may include your competitors brand. These are typical ROPO queries. – Research Online Purchase Offline.

Below are the examples of branded questions:

  • People asking how to buy your product.
  • Navigation question
  • Competitor research question. Ex: How is your product better than your competitor etc.

Featured snippets are playing a critical role in how google is providing results to your searches. Featured snippets is known to be position Zero as it is displayed above the organic search results. 

How do you achieve this position zero- The direct placement in google search box? In short, how do you get your website appear in google’s featured snippet?

We, at The Digital Shark, have run a variety of tests to achieve this position zero? We have boiled down to the four steps below:

  1. Identify direct questions related to your business that people often ask.
  2. Provide a direct answer to that question.
  3. Offer value added information in addition to your answer.
  4. Make it easy for google to search you on google.
Formula to increase online leads for small business owners

Formula to increase online leads for small business owners

Best Formula to increase online leads for small business owners.

Decode the formula to increase online presence for your local brick and mortar business. Follow the below 5 important guideline and increase the number of leads for your local business. 

1. Google MyBusiness Listing:

Google MyBusiness is a very important tool to help you to be found for the local searches. Google MyBusiness was formerly known and Google Places or Google Maps. Read more about how to create your Google Mybusiness Profile here.

It is very important to be as specific as possible when it comes to your google My Business Listing. For Example if you own a cake shop in Pune it is better to optimise keywords such as Cake shop in Aundh or cake shop in Kothrud rather than Cake shop in Pune. The reason being that people are less likely to travel more than 5 kms simply to buy a cake unless you are already a big brand.

Try to add as much media as possible to your Google Mybusiness listing. Businesses with more media are likely to be considered by google as more relevant and informative for local searches compared to businesses who have no or very few pictures and videos in their listing.

Get more reviews from your existing customers on your Google Mybusiness Listing. This will tell google that your business is more valid than your competition. Also reading reviews gives a conformity to the potential customers that others have used your product or service and are happy with it.

2. Blogging.

According to a study conducted by HubSpot on Lead Generation, it was found that local businesses that blog regularly are likely to get 69% more leads than their competitors.

For example if you run a cafe, you can write a blog or make a video showing how to brew a coffee of various flavours. This will make it more compelling for your potential customers to come and visit you at your cafe to tase the various flavours of coffee you offer.

3. Optimise your website with Meta Tags and Title Description:

Although Google has reduced the weightage of Title Tag and Meta Tag in ranking websites, it still has significant effect when it comes to relevance to users. If you have a title tag and a meta description optimised for keywords, google sees it as a relevant when people search for those keywords. Make sure you don’t stuff your meta Title and Meta Description with keywords. Google has a very strong penalty when it comes to keyword stuffing.

Moreover, when you stuff your Meta Title and Description with Keywords, users are less likely to click on your website when they see it in search results as they look at it as spam. This will not only reduce your website visitors but will also reduce your click through rate and thereby affect your ranking. Click through rate is another criteria which google considers to rank your website in its search results.

4. Be active on Social Media:

Google is continuously crawling various websites and searching for social media signals to check the popularity of your business. If you have more engagement in your social media, it will tell google that your are more popular and therefore google will start ranking you higher compared to your competition.

Find out which social media channels work best your industry and try to post more and more content to engage your customers there. It has been found that videos are more engaging than the pictures/photos and pictures are more engaging than text or link posts. On an average videos receive more clicks and views than the pictures and pictures receive more views than the text or link posts.

5. Opt in form or news letter subscription on your website:

Using pop ups or opt in forms when people visit your websites, will help you collect data such as email id from your customers when they visit you. This information can be used when you want to let your customers know about any new product or service you are launching or about any free events and workshops you have at your place of business.

For example if you have a cafe and if you are adding new items to your menu, you can always email the customers informing them about this new offering. Or if you are organising any event such as a stand up comedy or a music concert or simply a play at your cafe, you can invite your customers for these events through email. Emails are generally less intrusive compared to messages sent on phone and what’s app.

Email marketing should not be underestimated. It has a very good conversion rate and is considered as a cost effective marketing tool.