If you ask any digital marketer what is their goal?

 They would say ranking their website to #1 position on google for the most searched keywords related to the website/business.


That’s like dream come true Page 1 Postion One. Here for this client, aggregator Just Dial appears at the first rank. That is because I have pause the SEO efforts for this keyword for quiet sometime now.

 Why Did I pause?

 Just prioritising for other websites. When it comes to SEO you have to prioritise which of youe websites you want to focus on.

 If you are the only person working on SEO it may not be possible to continuosly work on all websites.

 This business was giving me limited profit so I thought on focusing on my website www.thedigitalshark.in

 How long it is necessary to do link building?

 Link Building is a continuous process. You can assume that if you stop, it means that the next time you start is from scratch.

Do you lose all your efforts if you pause link building for a while?

The answer to this questions depends on your competitors. If your competitors are continuously involved in link building, then they can outperform you in no time if you pause your link building effort. Even a month would mean losing 1 to 2 points on search engine ranking.

 Now coming back to Domain authority:

 Entire First SERP is a prime real estate, However #1 is extremely valuable.

 If you rank #1 your CTR is going to be 200% higher than your closest runner up #2.

 Is it possible to get to position #1 on Google SERP?

 Yes, there are a lot of road blocks to get there. And you need to be consistent enough in your efforts.

 You cant just think of ranking for only few keywords. You have to think about a whole lot of things and one of them is Domain Authority [DA].

What is a DA?

 DA is one of the metric that was developed by Moz to predict how likely a website can rank higher than its competition.

 DA is measured on a scale of 1-100. The closer you are to 100 the better traffic you will get and you will also have an upperhand on your competitors when it comes to ranking.

 I have a low DA. Can I so SEO?

 Of course you can. Along with your efforts to increase your website content, strategically start looking for other websites having higher DAs. You can request the webmasters of these website to include an article with 2 back links to your website.

 Also when you are writing blogs make the back links sound natural. Like Tips to increase your SEO, and link them back to your blog which talks about this. This way your back links will not be rejected by the Web Masters. You can start with websites with DA > 15 as these websites will allow free guest posting.

 There are few websites that allow paid guest posting. If you feel you are likely to get high amount of traffic from these websites, you can go and post one guest blog on such sites.

 The price may vary from $10 to $65 and $100 for extremly good sites.

Choose wisely when you go for such sites.

 Most of the DAs hover around 40-60 mark. You can only achieve this if you have spent enough time in building authority, good backlink profile. Brand new sites will have a very low DA.

 Quicksprout– A website by Neil Patel who is a digital marketing expert has a DA of 71. It Took Him Eleven years and whole lot of efforts

What should you do to have a great DA Ranking?

 If you want a higher DA Ranking you should maintain a healthy Link Profile.

In easy terms, all your websites’ back links or referring domains make up your link profile.

 Meaning, as mentioned earlier you should focus on getting more and more links from websites with high Domain Authorities.

 There are some link strategies, which lot ot website owners are allured to use to get quick results. These are buying the links. Google Call these “Buying Schemes.” Google heavily penalises websites that use this strategy.

 Below is Google’s Official Link where google has stated which strategies would incurr a penalty.


Very Easy websites to use a Back Link Strategy are

1. Quora

  • Ask a question as anonymous and answer the question including Back Links to your website
  • Answer existing questions related to your business and include a back link.
  • Although these are No-Follow links, you can expect some link juice passed through this Back Link.

2. Reddit

  • Be very careful when you are using Reddit as a tool to generate Back Link.
  • Reddit has a strong community and they do not allow any advertising in the discussion section.
  • You should make sure you are writing information and adding value to the discussion in the forum.
  • If you feel that your anchor text would look like a spam used to create a back link, avoid using that and just include an anchor related to the topic of discussion and point it to an existing blog on your website.
  • A back link from Reddit is very valuable as they provide a Do-Follow Back Link.

3. Medium

  • Medium offer No-Follow Back Links.
  • But it is always advisable to import your existing blogs through Medium’s Import Tool.
  • This way you don’t have to write an extra blog and still earn a back link without being penalised for Duplicate Content.

4. Approach Website Owners having DA >15

  • You can approach other website owners who allow a Guest Post to include your Guest Post in exchange of a Back Link.
  • Normally upto 2 back links are allowed per post.
  • Some Website Owners offer this service for free and others would charge anything from $8 to $100 oer post.
  • Make sure you evaluate their Website using Free SmallSeoTools and check their DA before outting an effort to write an article for them.

5. Join Facebook Groups related to Guest Posting

  • Join All Facebook groups for Guest Posting
  • Make a Note of people allowing free and paid guest posts
  • Submit your article to them and follow up


Two Week Plan to Increase to Increase Your DA (Domain Authority)


Day 1: Conduct a Link Audit

Conduct a Link Audit and Disvow all the unhealthy links

 Day 2-4: Focus on On Page SEO

  • Meta Title
  • Meta Description
  • Site Speed
  • User Friendly Navigation (Breadcrums, Sitemaps etc)
  • Back Link Opprtunities

Day 5-7

Find Topics for Blogs using BuzzSumo

Start Creating Content for Your Website

Also create content that will be posted as Guest Posts

Day 8-10

Continue Writing Content

Write at least 4 short and 2 long articles

Day 11-14

Use any of the above mentioned Methods to create back links and try to get at least 2 back links every few days.


Now Don’t just sit and chill.

You cant do this alone. Automate the process. Set out some budget and outsource or appoint your team members to do this for you.

You will see your Domain Authority Increasing over a period of time.

This should fetch you good leads so Don’t Worry your efforts will never go waste.